from functools import partial import tkinter as tk import tkinter.filedialog as file import tkinter.messagebox as messagebox import os InfoText = """Character Generator v.b.3 build on May 16th, 2023 by Gabriel Weingardt Feel free to modify ;) Known issues: > Draw Box Applying when selecting a Character box""" ToDo = """ - Correct 8x16 Char Export """ class Main(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, mode, carry_file, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit_protocol) self.Path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).replace("\\", "/") + "/assets" self.Mode = mode self.X_Select = 0 self.Y_Select = 0 self.BrushVar = tk.IntVar() self.Size = tk.IntVar() self.Grid = tk.IntVar() self.Drag = tk.IntVar() self.Wrap = tk.IntVar() self.Hint = tk.IntVar() self.Tooltip = tk.IntVar() self.ProjectSize = tk.IntVar() self.BrushVar.set(2) self.ProjectSize.set(0) self.background = "#FFFFFF" self.foreground = "#000000" self.draw_off = "#FFFFFF" self.draw_on = "#000000" self.font = "Arial 12 bold" self.Copy = [0 for _ in range(16)] self.X_Text = [] self.Y_Text = [] self.File_Formats = [] self.CurrentFile = "" try: self.Preset = open(self.Path + "/settings/settings", "rb") self.Size.set(int.from_bytes(, "big")) self.Grid.set(int.from_bytes(, "big")) self.Drag.set(int.from_bytes(, "big")) self.Wrap.set(int.from_bytes(, "big")) self.Hint.set(int.from_bytes(, "big")) self.Preset.close() for i in os.listdir(self.Path + "/custom_formats"): if len(i) > 3 and not i[0] == ".": self.File_Formats.append(i) self.Format = open(self.Path + "/settings/theme.txt", "r") self.import_code( self.Format.close() except Exception as e: print("Error in Reading Settings:\n", e) open(self.Path + "/settings/settings", "w").close() self.BrushVar.set(2) self.Size.set(16) self.Grid.set(1) self.Drag.set(1) self.Wrap.set(0) self.Hint.set(0) open(self.Path + "/settings/theme.txt", "w").close() self.config(bg=self.background) self.Matrix = [] self.Characters = {} self.UpperFrame = tk.Frame(master=self, bg=self.background) self.UpperFrame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=0) self.Frame = tk.Frame(master=self, bg=self.background) self.Frame.pack(side="bottom", fill="y", expand=0) self.LowerFrame = tk.Frame(master=self.Frame, bg=self.background) self.LowerFrame.pack(side="bottom") self.InfoBox = tk.Frame(master=self.Frame, bg=self.background) self.InfoBox.pack(side="bottom") self.Options = tk.LabelFrame(master=self.LowerFrame, bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground, text="Options:", font=self.font,) self.Options.pack(side="right", anchor="s", expand=0, fill="y") self.DrawFrame = tk.Frame(master=self.LowerFrame, bg=self.background) self.DrawFrame.pack(side="right", anchor="s", expand=0, fill="y") self.Toolbox = tk.LabelFrame(master=self.LowerFrame, bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground, text="Brush:", font=self.font) self.Toolbox.pack(side="right", anchor="s", expand=0, fill="y") self.CurrentCoord = tk.Label(master=self.InfoBox, text="Char: 0 | 0x00", bg=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, font=self.font) self.CurrentCoord.pack() self.Draw = DrawBox(master=self.DrawFrame, bg=self.background, size=self.Size.get(), mode=self.Mode, background=self.draw_off, foreground=self.draw_on) self.Draw.pack() # Brush Options self.Brush_White = tk.Radiobutton(master=self.Toolbox, variable=self.BrushVar, value=0, text="White", background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, indicatoron=False, command=self.update_brush, font=self.font) self.Brush_Black = tk.Radiobutton(master=self.Toolbox, variable=self.BrushVar, value=1, text="Black", background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, indicatoron=False, command=self.update_brush, font=self.font) self.Brush_Invert = tk.Radiobutton(master=self.Toolbox, variable=self.BrushVar, value=2, text="Invert", background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, indicatoron=False, command=self.update_brush, font=self.font) self.Brush_Invert.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") self.Brush_Black.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") self.Brush_White.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") # Options self.Invert_Button = tk.Button(master=self.Options, text="Invert", command=self.Draw.invert_screen, background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, font=self.font) self.Clear_Button = tk.Button(master=self.Options, text="Clear", command=self.Draw.clear_screen, background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, font=self.font) self.Apply_Button = tk.Button(master=self.Options, text="Apply", command=self.apply, background=self.background, foreground=self.foreground, font=self.font) self.Clear_Button.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") self.Invert_Button.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") self.Apply_Button.pack(side="bottom", expand=1, fill="both") self.Menu = tk.Menu(self) self.Menu_File = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=False) self.Menu_Options = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=False) self.Menu_Settings = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=False) self.Menu_Export = tk.Menu(self.Menu_File, tearoff=False) self.Menu_Help = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=False) self.Menu_File.add_command(label="New Window", accelerator="Control+N", command=lambda: self.start_project(False)) self.Menu_File.add_command(label="New Project", accelerator="Shift+N", command=lambda: self.start_project(True)) self.Menu_File.add_separator() self.Menu_File.add_command(label="Open Project", accelerator="Control+O", self.Menu_File.add_command(label="Save Project", accelerator="Control+S", self.Menu_File.add_command(label="Save Project As", accelerator="Control+Shift+S", command=self.save_as) self.Menu_File.add_separator() self.Menu_File.add_cascade(label="Export", menu=self.Menu_Export) self.Menu_File.add_separator() self.Menu_File.add_command(label="Close", accelerator="Control+Q", command=self.exit_protocol) self.Menu_Export.add_command(label="Assembler", accelerator="Control+E", command=lambda: self.export("asm")) self.Menu_Export.add_command(label="C Include", accelerator="Control+Shift+E", command=lambda: self.export("c")) self.Menu_Export.add_command(label="Raw Bytes", command=lambda: self.export("out")) """ if len(self.File_Formats) > 0: self.Menu_Export.add_separator() for i in self.File_Formats: if len(i) > 3: self.Menu_Export.add_command(label=i.split(".")[0], command=partial(self.export, "custom", type_carry=i)) """ self.Menu_Options.add_command(label="Copy", accelerator="Control+C", command=self.copy) self.Menu_Options.add_command(label="Paste", accelerator="Control+V", command=self.paste) self.Menu_Options.add_separator() self.Menu_Options.add_command(label="Clear", command=self.Draw.clear_screen, accelerator="Control+X") self.Menu_Options.add_command(label="Invert", command=self.Draw.invert_screen, accelerator="Control+Y") self.Menu_Options.add_command(label="Apply", command=self.apply, accelerator="Control+A") self.Menu_Settings.add_checkbutton(label="Big Canvas", variable=self.Size, onvalue=32, offvalue=16, command=self.update_draw, accelerator="Control+Plus") self.Menu_Settings.add_checkbutton(label="Grid", variable=self.Grid, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=self.update_draw, accelerator="Control+G") self.Menu_Settings.add_checkbutton(label="Cursor Dragging", variable=self.Drag, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=self.update_draw) self.Menu_Settings.add_separator() self.Menu_Settings.add_checkbutton(label="Coordinate Hints", variable=self.Hint, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=self.update_draw) self.Menu_Settings.add_checkbutton(label="Cursor Wrapping", variable=self.Wrap, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) self.Menu_Help.add_command(label="Creating a Theme", command=lambda: FileViewer(self.Path + "/create_theme.txt")) # self.Menu_Help.add_command(label="Creating Custom Formats", # command=lambda: FileViewer(self.Path + "/format_help.txt")) # self.Menu_Help.add_command(label="Importing Custom Formats", # command=lambda: FileViewer(self.Path + "/create_format.txt")) self.Menu_Help.add_separator() self.Menu_Help.add_checkbutton(label="What is this?", variable=self.Tooltip) self.Menu_Help.add_command(label="About", command=self.about_menu) self.Menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.Menu_File) self.Menu.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=self.Menu_Options) self.Menu.add_cascade(label="Settings", menu=self.Menu_Settings) self.Menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=self.Menu_Help) self["menu"] = self.Menu self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", self.cursor) self.bind("", lambda _: self.apply()) self.bind("", lambda _: self.apply()) self.bind("", self.Draw.invert_screen) self.bind("", self.Draw.clear_screen) self.bind("", self.show_grid) self.bind("", self.exit_protocol) self.bind("", self.bind("", self.bind("", self.save_as) self.bind("", lambda _: self.start_project(False)) self.bind("", lambda _: self.start_project(True)) self.bind("", lambda _: self.export("asm")) self.bind("", lambda _: self.export("c")) self.bind("", self.extend_draw) self.bind("", self.copy) self.bind("", self.paste) ToolTip(self.Brush_White, "White Brush.\nDraws white on selected field") ToolTip(self.Brush_Black, "Black Brush.\nDraws black on selected field") ToolTip(self.Brush_Invert, "Inverted Brush.\nInverts the selected field") ToolTip(self.Invert_Button, "Invert Button.\nInverts the entire draw field") ToolTip(self.Clear_Button, "Clear Button.\nClears the entire draw field") ToolTip(self.Apply_Button, "Apply Button.\nSets the selected character \nto the edited character") ToolTip(self.CurrentCoord, "Coordinate Label.\nShows the index of selected \ncharacter in Decimal and Hex") ToolTip(self.DrawFrame, "Draw field.\nHere you can edit\nthe selected character") ToolTip(self.UpperFrame, "Character list.\nHere you select one of\n256 characters to edit") self.build_matrix() self.Draw.update_screen() self.update_draw() self.update_brush() if carry_file: def exit_protocol(self, event=None): try: self.check_save_status() self.Preset = open(self.Path + "/settings/settings", "wb") self.Preset.write(self.Size.get().to_bytes(1, "big")) self.Preset.write(self.Grid.get().to_bytes(1, "big")) self.Preset.write(self.Drag.get().to_bytes(1, "big")) self.Preset.write(self.Wrap.get().to_bytes(1, "big")) self.Preset.write(self.Hint.get().to_bytes(1, "big")) self.Preset.close() except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Error while saving local settings:\n{0}".format(e)) self.destroy() def save(self, event=None): if self.CurrentFile == "": name_raw = file.asksaveasfilename(confirmoverwrite=True, defaultextension=".bmf", title="Save As", filetypes=(("BitMap File", '*.bmf'), ("Text File", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*.*"))) name = open(name_raw, "wb") else: name = open(self.CurrentFile, "wb") if name: name.write(int(self.Mode).to_bytes(1, "big")) for y in range(16): for x in range(16): for y_ in range(16): bin_value = "" for x_ in range(8): bin_value += str(self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels[x_][y_]) name.write(int(bin_value, 2).to_bytes(1, "big")) self.CurrentFile = self.modified(False) name.close() def save_as(self, event=None): self.CurrentFile = "" def open(self, event=None, in_file=None): self.check_save_status() if in_file: read = open(in_file, "rb") else: read_raw = file.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".bmf", filetypes=(("BitMap File", '*.bmf'), ("Text File", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*.*"))) read = open(read_raw, "rb") if read: for y in range(16): for x in range(16): for y_ in range(16): value = int.from_bytes(, "big") for x_ in range(8): shift_val = bin(value)[2:].zfill(8)[x_:x_+1] self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels[x_][y_] = int(shift_val) self.select_grid(x, y) self.CurrentFile = self.select_grid(0, 0) self.Draw.update_screen() self.modified(False) read.close() def export(self, mode, event=None): write_raw = file.asksaveasfilename(confirmoverwrite=False, defaultextension="." + mode, title="Export As", filetypes=((mode.upper(), "." + mode), ("All Files", "*.*"))) if write_raw: write = open(write_raw, "w") if mode == "asm": write.write("{0}".format(os.path.basename(self.CurrentFile).split(".")[0])) # write.write("\n\t; 8x{0} Character Size | 256 Characters Total".format(8 * (self.Mode + 1))) for y in range(16): for x in range(16): write.write("\n \t.byte ") buffer = "" for y_ in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): bin_value = "" for x_ in range(8): bin_value += str(self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels[x_][y_]) buffer += "$" + str(hex(int(bin_value, 2)))[2:].zfill(2).upper() + ", " write.write(buffer[:len(buffer)-2]) write.write(" ;char 0x{0}, {1}".format(hex(x + y * 16)[2:].zfill(2).upper(), x + y * 16)) write.write("{0}_end".format(os.path.basename(self.CurrentFile).split(".")[0])) elif mode == "c": write.write("// {0}".format(os.path.abspath(self.CurrentFile))) write.write("\n// 8x{0} Character Size | 256 Characters Total".format(8 * (self.Mode + 1))) write.write("\n{") for y in range(16): for x in range(16): write.write("\n \t") for y_ in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): bin_value = "" for x_ in range(8): bin_value += str(self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels[x_][y_]) write.write("0x" + str(hex(int(bin_value, 2)))[2:].zfill(2).upper() + ", ") write.write(" //Char {0} ; {1}".format(hex(x + y * 16)[2:].zfill(2).upper(), x + y * 16)) write.write("\n}") elif mode == "out": write = open(write_raw, "wb") for y in range(16): for x in range(16): for y_ in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): bin_value = "" for x_ in range(8): bin_value += str(self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels[x_][y_]) write.write(int(bin_value, 2).to_bytes(1, "big")) write.close() def copy(self, event=None): self.Copy = [] for y_ in range(16): bin_value = "" for x_ in range(8): bin_value += str(self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].Pixels[x_][y_]) self.Copy.append(int(bin_value, 2)) def paste(self, event=None): for y in range(16): txt = str(bin(self.Copy[y]))[2:].zfill(8) for x in range(8): self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].Pixels[x][y] = int(txt[x]) self.select_grid(self.X_Select, self.Y_Select) def build_matrix(self): hex_count_y = 0 for y in range(18): row = [] hex_count_x = 0 for x in range(18): if x == 0 or x == 17: if y != 0 and y != 17: txt = tk.Label(master=self.UpperFrame, text=str(hex(hex_count_y)).upper()[2:], bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground, font=self.font) txt.grid(row=y, column=x) if x != 17: self.Y_Text.append(txt) if x == 17: hex_count_y += 1 ToolTip(txt, "Y Coordinate.\nThis is the first Hex digit\n>> 0xY0") elif y == 0 or y == 17: if x != 0 and x != 17: txt = tk.Label(master=self.UpperFrame, text=str(hex(hex_count_x)).upper()[2:], bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground, font=self.font) txt.grid(row=y, column=x) if x != 17: self.X_Text.append(txt) hex_count_x += 1 ToolTip(txt, "X Coordinate.\nThis is the second Hex digit\n>> 0x0X") else: matrix = ImageBox(master=self.UpperFrame, bg=self.draw_off, height=24, width=24, relief="flat", bd=1, background=self.draw_off, foreground=self.draw_on) matrix.grid(row=y, column=x) matrix.bind("", partial(self.select_grid, x - 1, y - 1)) matrix.bind("", partial(self.select_grid, x - 1, y - 1)) matrix.bind("", partial(self.select_grid, x - 1, y - 1)) row.append(matrix) if y != 0: self.Matrix.append(row) def update_draw(self): for i in range(16): self.X_Text[i].config(bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground) self.Y_Text[i].config(bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground) self.Draw.Size = self.Size.get() self.Draw.config(height=self.Size.get() * 8, width=self.Size.get() * 8) self.Draw.Outline = self.Grid.get() self.Draw.Drag = self.Drag.get() self.select_grid(self.X_Select, self.Y_Select) def update_brush(self): self.Draw.Brush = self.BrushVar.get() def start_project(self, mode=None, event=None): if mode: self.check_save_status() self.destroy() os.system("python3") def modified(self, status): self.Draw.Modified = status self.title("Bitmap Editor - {0}".format(os.path.basename(self.CurrentFile))) if status: self.title("Bitmap Editor - {0} *".format(os.path.basename(self.CurrentFile))) def check_save_status(self): if self.Draw.Modified: if tk.messagebox.askyesno(message="Do you want to Save?"): def select_grid(self, x, y, event=None): if self.Hint.get(): self.X_Text[self.X_Select].config(bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground) self.Y_Text[self.Y_Select].config(bg=self.background, fg=self.foreground) self.X_Text[x].config(bg=self.foreground, fg=self.background) self.Y_Text[y].config(bg=self.foreground, fg=self.background) if self.Draw.Applied: pass self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].load(self.Draw.PixelGrid, mode=self.Mode) self.Draw.load(self.Matrix[y][x].Pixels) self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].config(relief="flat") self.Matrix[y][x].config(relief="solid") self.X_Select, self.Y_Select = x, y hex_number = str(hex(y)[2:]) + str(hex(x)[2:]) self.CurrentCoord.config(text="{0} | 0x{1}".format(int(hex_number, 16), hex_number.upper())) if event and event.num == 2 or event and event.num == 3: extern = tk.Toplevel(master=self, height=20, width=20) extern.resizable(False, False) extern.title("{0} | 0x{1}".format(int(hex_number, 16), hex_number.upper())) extern_canvas = tk.Canvas(master=extern, bg=self.draw_off, height=255, width=255, relief="solid", bd=1) extern_canvas.pack(expand=1, fill="both") for y in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): for x in range(8): fill = self.draw_off out = self.draw_on if self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].Pixels[x][y]: fill = self.draw_on out = self.draw_off x_cord = x * 32 y_cord = y * 32 / (self.Mode + 1) extern_canvas.create_rectangle(x_cord, y_cord, x_cord + 32, y_cord + 32 / (self.Mode + 1), fill=fill, outline=out, width=0) self.Draw.update_screen() def apply(self): self.Draw.Applied = True self.Matrix[self.Y_Select][self.X_Select].load(self.Draw.PixelGrid, mode=self.Mode) self.modified(True) def show_grid(self, event): if self.Grid.get(): self.Grid.set(0) else: self.Grid.set(1) self.update_draw() def extend_draw(self, event): if self.Size.get() == 32: self.Size.set(16) else: self.Size.set(32) self.update_draw() def cursor(self, event): x, y = self.X_Select, self.Y_Select if event.keysym == "Left" or event.keysym == "a": x -= 1 elif event.keysym == "Right" or event.keysym == "d": x += 1 elif event.keysym == "Up" or event.keysym == "w": y -= 1 elif event.keysym == "Down" or event.keysym == "s": y += 1 if x < 0: x = 15 if self.Wrap.get(): y -= 1 if x > 15: x = 0 if self.Wrap.get(): y += 1 if y > 15: y = 0 if y < 0: y = 15 self.select_grid(x, y) def about_menu(self): menu = tk.Toplevel(self) menu.resizable(False, False) menu.title("About") textbox = tk.Text(master=menu, height=10, width=30) textbox.insert("end", InfoText) textbox.config(state="disabled") textbox.pack(side="top") exit_button = tk.Button(master=menu, text="Exit", command=menu.destroy) exit_button.pack(side="bottom", expand=0, fill="x") def import_code(self, code): for i in code: if len(i) > 1: if i == "[end]": break elif not i[0] == "#": try: exec(i) except Exception as e: print("Error while Importing Code: \n", e) class FileViewer(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, path, *args, **kwargs): tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.title(os.path.basename(path)) self.ShowText = tk.Text(master=self, bg="#FFFFFF", height=32, width=160) self.ShowText.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") tk.Button(master=self, text="Close", bg="#FFFFFF", command=lambda: self.destroy()).pack(side="bottom", expand=0, fill="x") file_read = open(path, "r") for i in self.ShowText.insert("end", i) file_read.close() self.ShowText.config(state="disabled") class ToolTip(object): def __init__(self, widget, text): widget.bind("", self.showtip) widget.bind("", self.hidetip) self.widget = widget self.text = text self.window = None = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 def showtip(self, event): if self.window or not self.text or not main.Tooltip.get(): return x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert") x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 57 y += cy + self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 27 self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.widget) self.window.overrideredirect(True) self.window.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) label = tk.Label(self.window, text=self.text, background="#FFFFE0", relief="solid", bd=1, justify="left") label.pack(ipadx=1) def hidetip(self, event): win = self.window self.window = None if win: win.destroy() class DrawBox(tk.Canvas): def __init__(self, size, mode, background, foreground, *args, **kwargs): tk.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.background = background self.foreground = foreground self.Size = size self.Mode = mode self.X_coord = [] self.Y_coord = [] self.Brush = 0 self.Outline = 1 self.Drag = 1 self.Modified = False self.Applied = False self.Previous_X = -1 self.Previous_Y = -1 self.PixelGrid = [[0 for _ in range(16)] for _ in range(8)] self.update_coord(size) self.config(height=size * 8 + 1, width=size * 8 + 1) self.bind("", lambda e: self.draw("motion", e)) self.bind("", lambda e: self.draw("click", e)) def update_coord(self, size): self.X_coord.clear() self.Y_coord.clear() for i in range(8): self.X_coord.append(i * size) for i in range((self.Mode + 1) * 8): self.Y_coord.append(int(i * (size / (self.Mode + 1)))) def draw(self, click, event): ex = event.x - (self.Size / 2) # Brush Cursor fine tune ey = event.y - (self.Size / (2 * (self.Mode + 1))) x = int(min(self.X_coord, key=lambda x_: abs(x_ - (ex - int(self.Size / 16)))) / self.Size) y = int((min(self.Y_coord, key=lambda y_: abs(y_ - (ey - int(self.Size / 16)))) / (self.Size / 128) / (8 / (self.Size / 16)) / (self.Size / (self.Mode + 1)))) if click == "click" or click == "motion" and self.Drag != 0: if self.Previous_X != x or self.Previous_Y != y or click == "click": if self.Brush == 2: if self.PixelGrid[x][y]: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 0 else: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 1 elif self.Brush: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 1 else: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 0 self.update_screen() self.Previous_X, self.Previous_Y = x, y def update_screen(self): self.delete("all") for y in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): for x in range(8): fill = self.background out = self.foreground if self.PixelGrid[x][y]: fill = self.foreground out = self.background x_cord = x * self.Size y_cord = y * self.Size / (self.Mode + 1) self.create_rectangle(x_cord, y_cord, x_cord + self.Size, y_cord + self.Size / (self.Mode + 1), fill=fill, outline=out, width=self.Outline) def clear_screen(self, event=None): for y in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): for x in range(8): self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 0 self.update_screen() def invert_screen(self, event=None): for y in range(8 * (self.Mode + 1)): for x in range(8): if self.PixelGrid[x][y]: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 0 else: self.PixelGrid[x][y] = 1 self.update_screen() def load(self, carry): self.PixelGrid = carry class ImageBox(tk.Canvas): def __init__(self, background, foreground, *args, **kwargs): tk.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.background = background self.foreground = foreground self.Pixels = [[0 for _ in range(16)] for _ in range(8)] def load(self, bitmap, mode): # self.Pixels = bitmap self.delete("all") for y in range((mode + 1) * 8): for x in range(8): fill_color = self.background if bitmap[x][y]: fill_color = self.foreground self.create_rectangle(x * 3 + 2, (y * 3 + 2) / (mode + 1) + mode, x * 3 + 5, (y * 3 + 5) / (mode + 1) + mode, fill=fill_color, width=0) class StartupDialog(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit_protocol) self.closed = False self.file = None self.ProjectSize = tk.IntVar() self.Button_Frame = tk.LabelFrame(master=self, text="Character Size:", bg="#FFFFFF") self.Button_Frame.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=0) self.Action_Frame = tk.Frame(master=self, bg="#FFFFFF") self.Action_Frame.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=0) self.Button_8 = tk.Radiobutton(master=self.Button_Frame, variable=self.ProjectSize, value=0, text="8x8 Pixels", bg="#FFFFFF", justify="center") self.Button_16 = tk.Radiobutton(master=self.Button_Frame, variable=self.ProjectSize, value=1, text="8x16 Pixels", bg="#FFFFFF", justify="center") self.Continue_Button = tk.Button(master=self, text="Open", bg="#FFFFFF", command=self.destroy, width=15) self.Cancel_Button = tk.Button(master=self, text="Cancel", bg="#FFFFFF", command=self.exit_protocol) self.Open_Button = tk.Button(master=self, text="Open File", bg="#FFFFFF", command=self.fileopen) self.File_Label = tk.Label(master=self, text="File: None\nNew Blank File", bg="#FFFFFF", justify="left") self.Button_8.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="both") self.Button_16.pack(side="bottom", expand=1, fill="both") self.Cancel_Button.pack(side="bottom", expand=1, fill="x", padx=2, pady=2) self.Continue_Button.pack(side="bottom", expand=1, fill="x", padx=2, pady=2) self.Open_Button.pack(side="top", expand=1, fill="x", padx=2, pady=2) self.File_Label.pack(side="top", anchor="w", padx=2, pady=2) self.Continue_Button.focus() self.bind("", lambda _: self.destroy()) self.bind("", self.fileopen) self.bind("", self.exit_protocol) def exit_protocol(self, event=None): self.closed = True self.destroy() def fileopen(self, event=None): self.file = file.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".bmf", filetypes=(("BitMap File", '*.bmf'), ("Text File", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*.*"))) if self.file: read = open(self.file, "rb") if int.from_bytes(, "big") == 1: self.ProjectSize.set(1) else: self.ProjectSize.set(0) self.File_Label.config(text="File: {0}\nDetected Size: {1}x{2}". format(os.path.basename(self.file), 8, (self.ProjectSize.get() + 1) * 8)) read.close() else: self.File_Label.config(text="File: None\nNew Blank File") self.file = None if __name__ == "__main__": selector = StartupDialog() selector.config(bg="#FFFFFF") selector.title("Project Selector") selector.resizable(False, False) selector.mainloop() if not selector.closed: main = Main(mode=selector.ProjectSize.get(), carry_file=selector.file) # Mode: 0 = 8x8 | 1 = 8x16 main.resizable(False, False) main.title("Bitmap Editor") main.mainloop()