A visitor! It appears you have found my website (i wonder how...) but anyway,<br><br>
my name is Gabriel Weingardt I'm a <labelid="agestamp">[AGEINSERT]</label> year old <i>hobby</i> programmer from Germany 🇩🇪. I like to tinker around with electronics and computer hardware
<br>I (apparently) like GNU/Linux and to advocate for <ahref="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html">Free and Open Source Software</a>, short "FOSS".
Though, I don't currently contribute anything to FOSS, plans to maintain a future Linux repo are set.<br><br>
Along with FOSS, I also like so called "Frontends". These act as proxies to popular mainstream websites, that
profit off selling your personal data.<br>
I host some public frontends like:
<li><ahref="https://searx.weingardt.dev">SearxNG</a> > Google replacement</li>
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