But for all the FOSS freaks out there, the javascript is licenced under the GPL v.3 licence and browsers like GNU Icecat should detect the licence automatically.
The <u>content</u> of this website is licenced under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence, which gives you the unrestricted freedom to <u>share</u> and <u>modify</u>
copies of this website. You are even allowed to do so commercially.<br><br>
<b>But under the following terms:</b><br>
You have to give credit to me, <b>indicate if changes were made</b> and licence the material under the same lience.<br><br>
If you want to base your work of of mine, I suggest you to <ahref="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">read the licence</a>.<br><br>
The <u>javascript</u> of this website is licenced under the <ahref="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html">GNU General Public Licence v.3</a>.
<divid="footnote"><varid="toplevel"data-="../">Please enable Javascript on this page as it's required to generate the footer and navigation bar.<br>For fear of non-free Javascript: The JS is licensed under GPL v.3</var></div>
<!-- Some variables and script-call for global site elements -->