- The
content of this website is licenced under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence, which gives you the unrestricted freedom to
share and
+ The
content of this website is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which gives you the unrestricted freedom to
share and
copies of this website. You are even allowed to do so commercially.
But under the following terms:
- You have to give credit to me,
indicate if changes were made and licence the material under the same lience.
- If you want to base your work of of mine, I suggest you to
read the licence.
- The
javascript of this website is licenced under the
GNU General Public Licence v.3.
+ You have to give credit to me,
indicate if changes were made and license the material under the same license.
+ If you want to base your work of of mine, I suggest you to
read the license.
+ The
javascript of this website is licensed under the
GNU General Public License v.3.
Website Source Code
- All the sourcecode is readily available on my Gitea instance
+ All the source code is readily available on my Gitea instance
If issues occur, you want something added or something else, this is the place to make issues and pull requests.
88x31 Buttons
Some of the cool 88x31 buttons, located in the footer are from,
- while some others I've janked from other websites :P
+ while some others I've yanked from other websites :P
diff --git a/posts/2024/09/11/index.html b/posts/2024/09/11/index.html
index bbc890e..0d25e2b 100644
--- a/posts/2024/09/11/index.html
+++ b/posts/2024/09/11/index.html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
of the Linux-Libre kernel, stripping out non-FOSS segments of code.
Public Posts
- Here is where I post updates/wheird stories about stuff I do.
- Maybe also sharing my oppinion on tech related things.
+ Here is where I post updates/weird stories about stuff I do.
+ Maybe also sharing my opinion on tech related things.
Tech tutorials are on their own page.
Pinned Posts: