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1.1 KiB
A Character ROM Editor for the LS7 Computer, written in Python 3
Being written in Python, this editor is multi-platform. It's based on this program: https://www.min.at/prinz/o/software/pixelfont
.bmf file type
'.bmf' literally stands for 'Bit Map File'. It holds the drawn characterset as raw bytes.
Different from the "Raw Bytes" output file, by having a small info header at the start, but almost identical.
The Program supports, exporting to an Assambler Include (for the people whom may desire), a C byte array or just a raw binary file.
The Converted binary file, will be 2k or 4k in size (Depending on, if 8x8 or 8x16 mode is used)
Known issues
- Drawn content getting applied, when exiting current cell
- Tooltips are buggy, with multiple instances open
- 8x16 Character exports don't work currently
- UI missalignment in MacOS
- Slow in MacOS (maybe Tkinter's fault)